The Nigiri Manager
This contains the Octree data, and is responsible for managing the interconnection of the various components within a scene.
Octree Manager
Area size: Defines the world-space area that both contributes to and receives GI. Set to the size of your scene geometry.
Voxel size: Defines the relative size of voxels generated.
Octree memory size: Size of VRAM allocated to the octree structure.
Mipmap filtering mode: Either Ansiotropic or Linear. Style of mipmap filtering used within the octree.
Emissive intensity: Global modifier of emissive brightness.
Note: Changing either the area size or voxel size, will invalidate all baked voxels and cause the entire scene to be re-baked!
Thread Manager
Total tasks: Number of Mesh Encoder worker threads.
Active tasks: Number, currently running.
Active Bakes: Number of voxel bakes currently being processed.